Theory and Practical Application in PHDwin V3
TRC Consultants has partnered with Don LeBlanc, P.E. to bring you an in-depth decline curve analysis training session. Participants will further their understanding of popular decline curve analysis methods through theoretical discussion and examination of real world examples.
Course Outline:
- Part 1: Decline Curve Analysis Theory (Morning: 2 hrs)
- Arps general decline model theory including exponential, hyperbolic, harmonic, and super-harmonic decline
- Stretched Exponential Decline Model
- Normalized DCA
- Part 2: Decline Curve Analysis Practice (Afternoon: 3 hrs)
- Identify flow regimes
- Determining Arps DCA model and appropriate Arps parameters
- Considerations for Arps b-factor
- Water drive/waterfloods considerations
- Reserves
- Non-ideal behavior
- Noisy data
- Use of de-superposition
- Decline Curve Analysis Examples:
- Participant examples
- Granite Wash well
- Marcellus gas well
- Eagle Ford oil well
This single-day course is broken into a morning session and afternoon session.
Where: GoToWebinar
Guest Instructor: Don LeBlanc, P. E.
Course Fee: $825 Industry downturn discounted price $500 (payable by invoice after course concludes)
Participants will receive certificate of completion and 6 professional development hours
Registration is closed.